Vision: A low-carbon Pacific maritime transport that contribute to global climate mitigation efforts and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
Mission: To be the Pacific regional centre of excellence in the Global MTCC Network to build capacity, transfer technology and knowledge for climate mitigation in the Pacific maritime industry through the uptake of low-carbon technologies and operations

The MTCC-Pacific pilot-projects on the uptake of ship energy efficient technologies and operations and fuel data consumption collection and reporting are designed to bring adapted tools to the Pacific Maritime Industry for energy efficient operations of ships and ports and data collection to properly evaluate GHG emissions from the region. The pilot-projects take into account the unique circumstances of Pacific Islands countries in terms of capacity to incorporate and implement international instruments and to progress energy efficiency in a shipping industry composed mainly by small domestic shipping companies and small ports heavily reliant on costly fossil fuels.
The approach to implement the pilot-projects is two-fold:
i) provide all Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs) with technical support through templates, guidelines, generic law for energy efficient operations of ships and ports; and
ii) provide targeted countries (Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall islands, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu and Vanuatu) with in-country technical assistance through the implementation of adapted Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) on board domestic ships and energy audits in ports.